Monday, April 2, 2012

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....

Why is everyone trying to be so damn thin!?!?!?

It seems like the goal is for women of today to disappear. No one is happy with their bodies anymore. Every time you turn around there is a new fad diet (that does nothing or does something but only temporarily) and everyone over a size 2 jumps on board. Someone I know donated an entire box of food because it was fattening. Everything in moderation people. I fully support healthy decisions. However, everyone should be entitled to a "cheat day". The day that you get to partake in whatever the hell you'd like! Otherwise, food becomes a boring, monotonous, envious chore. Food is life. Life is food. You dont want a boring, monotonous, envious life do you?? Didnt think so! SPLURGE!!!!

REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES! Marilyn Monroe was a voluptuous b-e-a-u-t-y! Dont follow her life too closely though. "Accute barbituate" poisoning isnt the way to go whether suicide or homicide. Bettie Page was also shapely ( 36-23-35). Please, tell me you know who Bettie Page is! No? Ok... ta da!...This is Bettie Page. Again, not the perfect person to follow considering her mental illness later in life but she was a model and GORGEOUS. Playboy thought so, too!

But I digress... Ladies, be worried about what kind of person you are NOT the person you appear to be to superficial, assinine jerks. As long as you are healthy and are happy with yourself you should have no worries. Hakuna Matata! Respect yourself and your body and GO FORTH! Now, I know some of you are saying "Easy to say for this skinny bitch!". Okay, first... shut up! Now...true, I am 5'8 1/2 and 145lbs but I am working on GAINING weight...not losing. I am my smallest friend. All of my bestfriends/divas/homies/home skillets/home slices/ect are plus sized women and FABULOUS.

Girl, love your rolls, bumps, curves, handles, and cushions! Only a dog wants a bone and even that dog prefers some meat on it. Now, before you get distracted... head to your fridge, pick out the tastiest, calorie-laden thing you can find, have at it and dare someone to say something about this pink elephant in the room...


  1. I like hearing what is inside your head. How often will you blog?

    1. My computer over-heated and needed a time out. Otherwise, I will blog every time something comes to mind. I have a few subjects I want to touch on so keep your eyes peeled :)

  2. It is June now. Where is the Pink Elephant?
